
All We Can works in partnership, wherever we can. We are interdependent with committed, passionate people all around the world to fulfil the dream of every person’s potential fulfilled. In the UK, that looks like a movement of people we walk with, in a variety of ways, and who partner with us in championing that vision. Being clear about purpose and function is one way we look after our Champions. Below is our commitment to you and what we need from you.

You are invited to being a part of the next Champions training session to find out how you can have an impact in your church and community. Join the session at 7pm on Wednesday 6th March.
Sign up for our next Champions Training event here>>

All Champions will:

Click on the ☝️ to see more detail.

1. Be our first point of contact for sending updates, resources and event details.

2. Share information and updates for us ☝️

In ways that best suit your community – because you know them best!

3. Invite and encourage others join our movement☝️

You do not have to do it all! We need you to invite others to be regular givers or to participate in campaigns, set up fundraising event and be part of responsible advocacy. You know what works and how to communicate with your people.

4. Access training and resources to support you championing ☝️

These are available to support your efforts for the movement, deepening your understanding of how important the language is when we talk about development, de-colonisation, responsible activism and anti-racism. The outcomes are important, the way we achieve them, the methods we use, are equally as important.

5. Become fluent in our language and vision ☝️

The ‘partnership approach’ moves our efforts beyond ‘projects’ to being driven and shaped by our values. Most importantly, we make sure the right people are making the decisions – the communities we are travelling with are in the driving seat. How we talk about the people we help and the way we help them is essential to the outcomes we hope to achieve. As an All We Can Champion, you are a key part of honouring the dignity of the people we are partnering with.

Champions may:

1. Represent All We Can’s work in acts of worship or other speaking appointments ☝️

That may be reminders in notices, encouraging local preachers to use prayers from our partners or using our resources (in part or fully) in worship you are leading.

2.Join All We Can engagement at events and festivals ☝️

All We Can invests in events and festivals as a really good way of meeting new people. We want to do that really well. Sign up here to register your interest to be draped in an All We Can t-shirt and partner with us to engage well at events.

3.Attend training workshops ☝️

Your time and energy is precious. We do not want to overburden you with stuff to do, but, if you are keen and have capacity, we would love to see you in-person or online and develop ways we can walk together, to learn in community and to grow as a movement.

4. Send feedback to All We Can ☝️

To work in partnership is a relationship and that means being flexible and listening to what people need and want. That goes for our engagement work in the UK. We would love to hear your feedback about the resources and communications you receive and how they fit in your context – what worked well and what needs developing?

All We Can will:

1. Equip and empower you ☝️

- We want you to be passionate and confident about ‘development done differently’ and “communities in the driving seat.
- We will communicate clear ‘asks’ of what you can do to support the movement
- We will give you choices on how to engage with your community.

2. Listen to what you says is working (and not working) ☝️

We want to know what you need to be a champion to the people you know – that might look like resources for specific groups, speakers for your events, experiential days to go deeper into the values or methods that shape our work.

3. Provide you with ‘stuff’ ☝️

- Do you want to fundraise? We have a resource pack for that here.
- Are you part of a worshipping community – go here for prayers, sermons and videos.
- Interesting in organising a craftivism session? Want to know more about craftivism? Get in touch!
- Want links for regular giving and supporting our Emergency Relief Fund?
- Want to buy an extraordinary gift?
- Need a Gift Aid form to help you collect Gift Aid from supporters in your church? Gift Aid Form for Collections - All We Can
- Or participate in one of our advocacy campaigns.

4. Support and meet with you ☝️

This is all about relationship…from the partnership approach to development to communicating well with people in the UK. We want to value and look after the relationship we have with you – your potential matters too!
- We will provide opportunity for that through online and in-person training and events and go deeper into the impact of our work.
- We will provide you with a key point of contact within the Team to build relationship and trust with.
- We’ll also provide easy access to digital support, via the website and emails.
- We will protect your data and time.

5. Meet YOUR needs (as Champions!) ☝️

Every group of people is different, from schools to care homes, local churches or universities and youth groups. We want to cater to what works for you.

6. Celebrate and be grateful ☝️

Nurturing human potential is a multi-layered, interwoven network of different facets, the UN’s 17 Sustainable development goals alone show us just how broad that is. There is no ‘quick fix’ or miraculous project that will ‘solve’ poverty. However, we do know that we flourish when we also stop to smell the flowers, when we balance the often painful reality of poverty, conflict or extreme weather events with noticing what is good in the world. What positive changes have happened, what is happening in the present moment we are in. It’s not naïve disregard of the suffering, it’s science that helps us sustain our efforts to ease the suffering.

So, we will celebrate you and our relationship with you, your work and efforts on behalf of the movement. We will share with you the stories of our partners that have gone well and the impact of the partnership approach.

Become a Champion

Sign up to become a Champion today.


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